Lance Friend – Windscreen View (Wav)


This song is aimed at inspiring people to look beyond what is right in front of them. Having spent years on the road travelling and taking in the many picturesque views this great vast country has to offer, ‘Windscreen View’ is about taking the time to look and see the glory before us all beyond our windscreens.


City people live such hectic lives and time can pass them by before they’ve had the chance to travel and see it for themselves and we are all guilty of taking our surroundings for granted in our day-to-day routine. We all view the world so differently, often only seeing the beauty when we have our cameras open and are looking for it but it is always there, we just don’t see it.


We are lucky to live in a country that has so much to offer and hopefully this song will inspire more people to take notice, to get out and ‘see the glory through the glass’.

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