Vanessa Bourne – Young At Heart ( MP3 Album)


Best known for her Traditional Country music, Vanessa Bourne has been loyal to Traditional Country for several years.  This year,  true to her loyalty, she journeyed from (Home)  Phillip Island in Melbourne, Australia; and visited Nashville to record her first album "YOUNG AT HEART".

Vanessa took her big step into the limelight when she went to Nashville to record her first album YOUNG AT HEART earlier this year. While in Nashville she was signed to Black Ribbon Records LLC, Nashville, Tennessee.  Every song she has released from the album is on almost every country radio station from Australia to Europe to America.

Her songs are admired for her perfect diction, her loyalty to Traditional country, and her softness and passion in telling stories of the heart, It is what makes one believe when she says:  ' What my heart whispers, my soul sings’. It is why Vanessa Bourne is YOUNG AT HEART.